• Thousands of engaged couples have had to postpone or cancel their weddings as a result of the coronavirus, leaving many struggling emotionally and financially.
  • Brides in one of Zola’s private Facebook groups have started giving each other gifts from their registries to cheer each other up and offer financial support.
  • “The registry exchange has been an opportunity to shower other couples with love in a time that’s full of chaos and sadness, and it’s a way to remind each other that we truly aren’t alone or forgotten,” a bride who participated in the exchange told Insider.
  • Engaged couples are also using their registries to raise money for those suffering as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.

Engaged couples around the world are at a standstill.

The coronavirus has forced millions to cancel or postpone their weddings, and the inability to predict when the pandemic will end is leaving them unable to set new wedding dates.

“Everybody’s being affected regardless of their date at this point,” Katie Jobes, a bride whose wedding is scheduled for October, told Insider

At the time of writing, Jobes’ wedding is still set to go on as planned.

“I was feeling super confident, thinking everything was absolutely going to be blown over by then,” she said of her wedding. Jobes and her partner have been together since 2014.

But Jobes is in a myriad of bridal Facebook groups online, including a private Zola Community, and she's seen an increase in posts by people with September, October, and November weddings who are thinking about postponing, which is making her nervous.

Zola is a free, online wedding resource for engaged couples, and many opt to use it as a platform for their registries.

"I think it's just so hard cause there's no way to predict how long this will last," Jobes added. Her sister, who was supposed to get married in May, already had to postpone her wedding until 2021.

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Foto: Engaged couples are canceling and postponing their weddings because of the coronavirus. Source: Joaquin Corbalan P/Shutterstock

Jobes pointed out that actually planning a wedding is also difficult to do during the pandemic.

"There are so many brides right now that need to be meeting up with vendors," Jobes said. "They need to be checking out their venues. They need to be shopping for their decorations and they can't do any of that."

And postponing or canceling is also expensive. "A lot of people have lost their jobs, and they don't have money to continue planning their wedding," Jobes said. "And if it's been postponed, then nothing on their registries is being purchased. Nothing is being contributed toward their honeymoons."

To help with the emotional and financial burden of postponing, brides in Zola's community are giving each other gifts from their registries

The idea to exchange gifts came about organically on the page.

"This is a really tough time for a lot of brides who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. I thought it would be a great idea if we came together to brighten each other's days a little," read the original post about the exchange in the Zola Community, which Zola provided to Insider.

The post continued: "If you'd like to participate, leave the link to your registry in the comments. Then go to someone else's registry and purchase something for them! Once you've purchased an item off a registry, leave a heart for them."

Jobes boosted the gift exchange after the original post about it got lost in the flow of traffic on the page.

"My sister had just postponed her wedding a few days prior, and I thought about how she's stressed and how much she would appreciate having a community of people who were there and supporting her, if not just in words, but you know, financially," Jobes said.

The exchange spread within the group quickly, with over 1,500 brides participating from the Zola Community alone.

The exchange is making brides who had to postpone feel less alone

Adrith, a bride who had to postpone her April 4 wedding, told Insider that the exchange has given her a sense of community during an isolating time.

"My fiancé and I were three weeks out from our April 4 wedding when we pulled the plug," she told Insider. "The finish line was in sight, and the event we had spent a year and a half planning and saving for was suddenly gone."

But the Zola exchange made her realize they didn't have to deal with that grief alone. "For many of us, the celebrations have been put on hold, and you're always told, 'No one cares about your wedding as much as you,' but it turns out that hundreds of strangers care just as much as you do, too," Adrith said.

She added: "The registry exchange has been an opportunity to shower other couples with love in a time that's full of chaos and sadness, and it's a way to remind each other that we truly aren't alone or forgotten."

Alicia, a bride who had to postpone her May wedding to October, echoed Adrith. "As a bride who made the decision to postpone the wedding, it was so amazing and comforting to see a community of women willing to give a little bit of their time and money to brighten each other's day," she told Insider.

"Many of the gifts purchased for brides came with sweet and loving notes, which was thoughtful," she said.

"I participated in the exchange because I knew it would brighten someone's day, as it would mine," Alicia added. "Yes, we were buying gifts, but the why behind it made it all worth it."

"This was almost a way of having our own virtual bridal shower for those of us in that Zola community," she said.

Some couples are also using their Zola registries to raise money for those suffering as a result of the coronavirus

Hailey Murphy, a Zola representative, told Insider that the site has seen an increase in charitable activity as a result of the pandemic.

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Foto: Zola users can raise money for COVID-19 relief using their registries. Source: Zola

"We have an option for people to add a charity for their registry and for people to even customize that to be like, donations to their local hospital or, you know, donations for the local nurses or anything like that," Murphy said.

Likewise, some brides in the exchange have transformed their registries into a way to raise money for themselves if they've lost their jobs.

"It's not even necessarily just about the wedding and the gift registries and the honeymoon," Jobes said. "Somebody giving them $20 could be the difference between putting food on their table or not, or putting gas in their car to get to an interview at a grocery store or not."

Jobes wanted brides who have had to postpone to know they're not alone and that their feelings are valid.

"You have a right to feel however you're feeling right now," she said. "Everybody's weddings will happen. It's OK to feel sad right now."

"But you have this huge amazing community of friends and family and Facebook group members that are there for you."